Pelaka Day :D  

Posted by Hawk

Today's Sunday, 29th November. & it's one more day to pre-camp! :D

Those who turned up today were the both of us, Mei Sum, Joyce and Jess. & not forgetting our very own PL Adrian.

We kick-started the meeting with the logbook while waiting for the rest of the members to arrive. An hour or so later, we went down to finish up our neglected banners. *yeahh, neglected for a few days*

Enjoy :]

& then, we had PELAKA WAR!

Wen Thing in defense :]


teiko for protection LOL

& then all of us got back to work again :]

However, we the Hawk members can finally declare that days and days, no, weeks of painting the banner, we finally FINISHED it. jumps around *literally* :D

& then it was play time again :D :D :D

Wen dying my hair ;]

& the result X)

Both Wen & I had to chase the juniors to dye their hair too. But boy, they were fast. :O
Anyway, play time's over. Back to serious business :] Both of us continued working after all the juniors left which was around 7.

Camp's soon,

Coming Soon  

Posted by Hawk

Today's Saturday, 28th of Nov.

The juniors reached at around 8 and meeting officially began at 9 something.

It's only a few more days to camp :O
Naturally, we tried completing the usuals ; logbook, fancy dresses, souvenirs etc etc *doubling efforts* ;]


Mei Sum

&& we had our rest session :D

fortune telling O.o

adorable Jess also known as our fortune teller XD

And we got back to more working :D

Jessica - tailor of the day

Wen & Jess S.

The juniors left at around 7 while Wen and I worked till 10 before I went home :D

p/s : Hawk hereby has a theme song - Lucky by Jason Mraz & Colbie Cailat. Thanks to Adrian & Joyce :]

Signing off,

Selection Day.  

Posted by Hawk

Today's Friday, 27th November - Traplex 09's Selection Day :]

As usual, we had our meeting at my house again. Early in the morn.
Those involved ; Mei Sum, Joyce and Jess practised the dances while Sarah and I tried improvising. Adrian, Jeong Luke, Kuan Khai, Bryan too tried improvising on their own stuff. :D

Last practice

After that, it was time for our PL, Adrian and our Joyce to practise their speciality.
Hawk's new so-called couple singing the song ; Lucky by Jason & Colbie.

Enjoy :D

At around 11.45, all 10 of us got our ride from Jessica's and Adrian's dads to youth park.
& Selection Day began as soon as everyone reported in :D


After Selection Day was over, Sarah and I headed back to my place to continue meeting :D
And we continued our logbook.

cutting the logbook paper

We cleared up the place at 9 something and Sarah left my place at 10. :D

p/s : Anyway, congratulations to those who are selected for campfire. All the best during campfire, people! :D

Off to bed,

Meeting Again.  

Posted by Hawk

Today's Thursday, 26th of November.
= Noriko's birthday :)

= One more day to Selection Day :O *screams*
= Few more days till camp :D

So, today meeting begin at 10 at Wen's again.
Wen Thing and I continued with the logbook, while the juniors practised their dances and speciality.

supposedly dancing :D

All the EXCO's came after lunch for an official visit and watched our guides dance :D
After that, they left for another visit at some other patrol's/unit's meeting.

Then, we continued with our work and the juniors left at 7, PL at 8, while I left at 10 after clearing up :]


Adrian ;D

p/s : Behold our Hawk's new PS : Miss Khoo Wen Thing! :D :D :D Congrats!

Once Again,

Us Scouts  

Posted by Hawk

Greetings everyone.
My first post for the blog.
Yeah, I know you guys out there haven't gotten much updates about what we scouts have been doing. So here :

For the past few weeks, a few scouts ; Jeong Luke, Jansen, Kuan Khai & Bryan have been over at my house for the eiffel-building and chariot-making sessions, and also a little bit of utensils here and there :) Glad to say most of it is nearly done.

Those meetings were held, and us the scouts too went over to Wen Thing's house for our combined meeting as you would have read in the previous posts. :D

p/s : I know its a really short update *reaal short* :/ & sorry for the picture-less post. Busy working :P Will try and get some pictures soon, hopefully.


Another Birthday Girl.  

Posted by Hawk

Today is the 26th of Nov.

And it's one of our member's birthday! :D

So, we from Hawk would like to wish the one and only NORIKO CHEW a great BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY :D

seriously, she's one and only =)

So, there. Hope you had an awesome birthday today. :D

p/s : Hope your brother recovers soon, so you can join us for meetings again. =/

Just the Usual.  

Posted by Hawk

Today's 25th of Nov '09.
Another meeting held same time, same place.

Those that attended today's meeting ; all the guides except Noriko, scouts ; Adrian, Kuan Khai, Bryan & Nelson :D

We worked on the name tag, cover, board game, costume etc etc etc.
& We completed paper mache-ing the whole logbook stand today. *Just waiting for a little help from the sun* :D

The mess we made from paper mache-ing

At 6, Wen Thing and I cleared up her place after most of the members left. Then, Wen Thing left for the pasar malam for a de-stressing session. =)
So, I continued with the huge square banner after the rest of the members left. *Final touches* I didn't have enough hands for picture session, sadly. :(

Anyway, at around 9, I started clearing up and left the place :D

Off to meeting,

The Perak Kia is Back  

Posted by Hawk

Yes, I am back as the title implies :D
No, I wasn't entirely missing. Was there doing a little of this and that while there :]

So, here. An update of what I was doing.

Starch making :D


And I hereby introduce to you the trees of Perak. They have their uses :P

beyoo-tiful? ;P

The next day, I finished some souvenirs and a tiny part of the board game. Just a really tiny part.

That's more or less what I did during the time here. Heading to prepare for tomorrow's meeting :)

Signing off,

The Day After.  

Posted by Hawk

It's Tuesday, 24th November 09. Another day without Sarah. O.o
Those who attended today were, Wen Thing, Mei Sum, Jessica, Joyce, Eunice & a twin ; Nelson. :D

We continued our logbook stand today. Paper mache-d few layers of it & we headed to our souvenirs.


While Joyce and Eunice were at it, Nelson & Jessica were name tagging.

At around 4 p.m, most of the EXCOS came except CGLs came for a short and official visit. O.o

Before meeting ended, Mei Sum, Joyce and Jessica practiced their guides dance.

Signing off,